Colette's Blog

How to Eat Low Carb as Vegetarian or Vegan

March 20, 2019

It seems fitting, that on the first day of spring, it makes sense to talk about vegetables. If you’re following a low carb lifestyle like the Atkins diet, you are probably eating more colorful, nutrient-rich and fiber-rich vegetables than most Americans. And for good reason: 

  1. Vegetables help keep you full for longer. The fiber and water in vegetables fill you up more efficiently than do processed carbs that are low in fiber*.
  2. Vegetables keep your energy levels balanced. The fiber in vegetables slows down the release of carbohydrates which can help regulate your blood sugar.*
  3. Vegetables pack a powerful nutritional punch. They tend to be low in calories and high in fiber, which means you may tend to consume fewer calories, while still feeling satisfied.*

 On the Atkins diet, in addition to vegetables, you get to eat a wide variety of foods, with a focus on eating fewer refined carbs and added sugars. By following a low carb lifestyle, you’re making thoughtful food choices that have a positive impact on your eating habits, weight and health.

 No matter what your food philosophy is, Atkins is a flexible way to customize the way you eat. In fact, Atkins 100 is a great option for vegetarians and vegans. Vegetarians can get their protein from eggs, legumes, nuts, and dairy and soy products. Vegans can get sufficient protein from seeds, nuts, soy products, soy and rice cheeses, seitan, legumes and high protein grains like quinoa. You can learn more about doing a low carb vegetarian or vegan diet here.

 While you don’t have to give up on meat cold turkey, eating just one or two plant-based meals a week may have a positive impact on your budget and the environment, and open up your nutritional palate to a whole new range of delicious low carb plant-based recipes that add variety to your meals and snacks. Now that spring is here, it’s the perfect excuse to make the most of spring vegetables in season!

 *(From my book, Eat Right, Not Less)



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