7 Ways to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution

Sticking to New Years Resolutions.

As January comes to an end, it’s time to reflect on New Year’s resolutions and how to turn your #HappyWeight goals into positive lifestyle changes. Whether you’re in a successful routine or struggling to see desired results, Atkins is on your side and it’s easier than ever to stick to your resolutions. Just remember, this is only the beginning of your best year and best body yet! To help reach your personal health goals, follow our seven tips below to help you stay on track and live a low-carb lifestyle all year:

1. Review Your Timeline

Understanding your goals and what it takes to get there can sometimes be half the battle. You may have promised yourself to “lose weight,” but make sure you have a realistic and measurable timeline in place to help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions. Here’s an example: I want to lose 24 pounds in four months by following a low-carb diet.

2. Find a Supportive Community

You should be proud of your commitment to a healthy lifestyle, and positive vibes from friends and family can take you a long way. If you’re following the Atkins program, joining one of our community groups and forums is a great way to give and receive support throughout your weight loss journey.

3. Amp Up Your H2O

By now you surely know the importance of drinking water, especially because your body can sometimes confuse thirst for hunger. Challenge yourself by setting a goal to drink eight glasses of water per day, and even mix things up by infusing your water with produce to add some flavor. What you should use for water infusion may vary based on your current Atkins Phase, but some general low-carb-friendly options include fresh cucumbers and peaches.

4. #NewRecipeMondays

Low-carb cooking is anything but boring. If you fear getting stuck in a menu routine, try starting off each week by spicing up the palate with something new from the Atkins Recipe Page. Plus, follow us on Instagram (@atkinsnutritionals) for some delicious-looking #lowcarb pic-spiration.

5. Treat Yourself

Make sure to not only celebrate your ultimate goal, but also your smaller accomplishments along the way. Reward yourself with something that makes you happy and reinforces your healthy commitment—something sweet like a Milk Chocolate Delight Shake or even go all out with a relaxing day at the spa. Don’t forget to invite your friends and family to be a part of your success.

6. Stay Active

Even if you haven’t hit up the gym as much as you’d like, any increase in your activity level is a great way to encourage healthy weight loss. If your cardio dance class just isn’t going to happen today, one way you can make sure you stick to your low-carb diet after January is to go for a 30-minute walk before lunch time or maybe take the stairs over the elevator. Every little thing adds up.

7. Don’t Give Up

If you’re not seeing the results you want right away, don’t feel discouraged or let go of your plan—stick to your New Year’s resolution and make adjustments to your diet where needed. You and your personal health are worth it! It’s important to remember that you’ve committed to a lifestyle change, not a quick-fix. We are confident that with time you’ll find your #HappyWeight, and always remember that the Atkins program is here for you every step of the way.

We’ve got everything you need to keep up with healthy New Year’s resolutions. Register online today for support groups, recipes, tools, and apps.

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